Chicken Proscuitto

Chicken Proscuitto
  • 2
  • 5 minutes
  • 15 minutes


  • 2 Chicken breasts
  • 6 Slices of proscuitto
  • Spaghetti
  • Parmigiano-reggiano
  • Thyme


  1. Boil and salt water, add the spaghetti
  2. Flatten the chicken with a pan to make it an even thickness
  3. Criss cross score the chicken
  4. Grate the parmigano-reggiano onto the scored chicken and sprinkle on some thyme
  5. Place three strips of proscuitto on each chicken breast
  6. Fry the chicken proscuitto side down first for 3-4min each side
  7. Plate the pasta first then place the chicken on top
  8. Serve with extra thyme and parmigano-reggiano

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