
  • 1
  • 2 minutes
  • 0 minutes


  • 2 Mint leaves
  • 1/4 Lime
  • 60ml White Rum
  • Brown sugar
  • Soda water
  • Ice


  1. Tear mint leaves in half, slice lime into 2 wedges
  2. Add Mint, 1 lime wedge, and teaspoon of brown sugar to glass
  3. Use a mudler to squish the lime and mint, extracting the juice and oils into the sugar
  4. Add your rum and ice
  5. Top up with soda water and add remaining lime on top with a some of the mint

A classic cocktail that’s great for summer


Tear mint leaves in half, slice lime into 2 wedges


Add mint, 1 lime wedge, and teaspoon of brown sugar to glass. You can use white / brown sugar or honey if you’d like to mix it up


Use a mudler to squish the lime and mint, extracting the juice and oils into the sugar


Add your rum and ice, top up with soda water and add remaining lime on top with a some of the mint. Traditionally a Mojito is served in a Colins glass but a rocks glass has been popular lately


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